Agency 03

To be good, one must do good

Digital History

Digital history to me means a person, place, event, or artifact is memorialized online. We looked at countless databases during the semester that I feel are digital history. When you visit a museum you are looking at history reading about it, touching it, examining it. When you are looking up sources for a history project you are reading history, and examining it. How we look at history has not changed but has upgraded. Anyone around the world can receive information about what happened on any specific day. This to me is the essence of digital history accessible to all. We have come a long way from having to travel to an archive and search for your topic physically. Digital history is accessible and is continuing to grow. Weirdly we are all part of this new era of historians. Uploading pictures on Instagram, making a LinkedIn page, and creating an application these are all ways we add to the trail of history from this decade. 

One of my biggest takeaways from this class was how to conduct research. I feel much more comfortable conducting research for any assignment. I know how to find credible sources and how to analyze them. This is a skill that I will be taking into all of my other classes because this is truly an important skill to develop. I still have much more to improve on but I feel as though I made a lot of progress from how I came into this class.

Digital History

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